3 Tools You Need to Protect Your Camera

November 4, 2021

Some photoshoots can easily get messy. This is something that is pretty normal here at LISH Creative, from melting ice cream to glitter body spray.

Our cameras have seen their fair share of dirt and grim. But, to keep our cameras in tip-top shape (and to avoid spending thousands of dollars replacing our favorite equipment), we have to protect them! Here are 3 of our favorite ways to protect your camera.


Protect your lens!

One of our favorite tools to protect your camera is a click-on camera lens. It protects your actual camera lens from dust, dirt, water, and even has a UV filter. While shooting, you will not even realize it is there. 

click on camera lens

The best part about this camera lens is that you can take it right off your camera and wipe it clean using a microfiber cloth. No need to worry about ice cream, body spray, or other weird items you use. Your lens will always come away squeaky clean!


A raincoat for your camera?!

If you are shooting near any type of liquid (water, wine, juice, melting ice, popsicles, ice cream, oils, lotions, etc.), the last thing you want is for that liquid to touch your camera. This can cause the buttons to stick or could really damage your equipment. But here at LISH Creative, we don’t like to shy away from any crazy ideas — even if it requires us to stand in a rainstorm or pour coconut milk on a table. 

Fun Wine Photography

Another must have a tool to protect your camera are these camera cover raincoats. They may not be the cute yellow raincoats you imagined, but they work just the same. Keeping the buttons and insides of your camera super dry and super safe from any sticky substance or wet surface! 

camera rain cover


Control your camera from way over there

Sometimes when we are shooting, it feels like we can not get our hands out of the way fast enough. Like when we are stacking peaches or using your hands to slice some cake. Having a way to take the picture even if you can’t physically press the button is super important to get that perfect shot.

This remote shutter helps you activate your shutter from anywhere. 

amazon basics remote camera shutter

If you need to be part of a shot or have to run away quickly, you can press this button and still get the perfect photo. This tool can help you get the perfect shot without having to put your camera (or yourself) in weird or awkward positions! We also like to tether our cameras to computers so that we can control the shutter from our keyboard!


Looking for more LISH Creative tips? 

We’ve been on our fair share of photo sets, and we know how messy things can get. But hopefully, you can put our experience to use — and save yourself some damaged equipment and stress. If you want to get more photoshoot tips from us, we have a huge library of articles that can help!

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