We’re Back in Our Favorite City — This Time With Starbucks Coffee

February 29, 2024

Good news — LISH Creative is back in LA for a recent influencer-style campaign with the one…the only…Starbucks coffee!!!

Starbucks has been on our dream client wish list for quite some time, so when they asked us to help promote their holiday drink launch back in December, how could we say no??

Through visual effects, we highlighted their new cup designs and drinks in a fun, magical way that truly embodies all those LA vibes. And it doesn’t hurt that we got to sip on some of our favorite drinks while we did it, too!

Here’s how the final video turned out!


Want to see a special behind-the-scenes look at how it all went down? Keep scrolling to find out!


Bringing a piece of LA to Ohio

Part of the fun of this shoot was coming up with creative ways to show we were in LA — even though we really weren’t! The LISH Creative studio is actually based in Ohio which is pretty far away and definitely not as sunny as California. 

So how did we do it??

With a combination of greenscreens and visual effects, of course! We also used some footage and photos of LA, straight from the LISH archives, too.

What do you think…did we fool you??


Teamwork makes the dream work!

But the real magic of this photoshoot was how the LISH team came together to get it all done. The timing coincided with my maternity leave, which started in November. And the final assets were published in early December. So as you can imagine, it was a tight squeeze!

But…we’d do it again for Starbucks — and to get amazing shots like these!


Build up your portfolio and land clients like Starbucks!

If you had told me back in 2016 that LISH Creative would be working with Starbucks, there’s no way I would have believed you!

But landing clients like this didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken a lot of practice, a lot of learning, and a LOT of trial and error to hone our skills. We’ve also had to run through the process of figuring out what we like so we can niche down and attract the right clients. It hasn’t always been easy, but all the work was worth it!

If there are any new photographers reading this, just know the secret ISN’T being perfect — it’s to keep trying, again and again. Even when you fail

But sometimes…you want a few tips and tricks to help you get there, too. I totally get that!!

If you want to learn more about how to create a dynamic portfolio that captures the attention of your dream clients, be sure to check out the post below! We’re giving you some of our best tips for building your skillset, what to invest in, and most importantly — how to showcase your work as best as possible!

Read the post here!


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