Impact of Social Media – Jaclyn Carlson of Blog Society

March 7, 2016

As many of you know, social media literally changed the face of my career. Not only did my Instagram and my online presence positively impact my full-time job search after college, but it also completely fueled my efforts to take my freelance social media & content creation services full-time. Social media enabled LISH creative.

I know that I am not the only one out there whose life, career, and business has been positively impacted by social media. So for my new series, I’m creating a space for these social media success stories to be shared. First up is Jaclyn Carlson, the Founder and CEO of Blog Society. I was introduced to Jaclyn via social media (…of course!) and was blown away by the incredible community that she has been able to create- first in Australia and now worldwide! Read on to learn how Social Media has impacted Jaclyn and Blog Society!

 All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( ) All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )

LISH: Tell us about Blog Society and what you do? 
JACLYN: Blog Society is a global community where blogging, business and creativity collide. It’s a thriving resource hub for creative entreprenuers and bloggers alike looking for collaboration and connection through events, workshops and ecourses. As the CEO – I proudly consider myself a digital strategist, marketing addict and passionate creative matchmaker (and yes you’ll find me wasting far too much time on social media).

L: How has social media impacted Blog Society and your overall career path?
J: At the very heart of Blog Society lies the power of connection. I have built my business around the need of belonging and our inherent desire to reach and meet others with shared beliefs. Through the development of technology and the growth of social media, cross border collaboration is no longer an obstacle – but rather an opportunity. Never before have we been able to expand our social and professional circles in the way we can today. This opens up unprecedented opportunities for connection and collaboration which is where Blog Society steps in to help facilitate those dreams. Our audience extends far beyond just the world of blogging and includes the vast audience of female entrepreneurs navigating their creative dreams. I’m so proud of the way our community has expanded in such a short time and only hope to continue on this growth projectory by strengthening our ties and our overall presence in other countries.

  All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )  All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )

L: Did you ever expect social media to play such a large role in your professional development & your business?
J: As a marketer, I’ve always known the power of social media, and personally, I absolutely love the creative eye candy that is available and the power of instant connection. I think throw that into the mix with the collaborative nature of blogging and storytelling and social media was always going to be a seamless fit!

L: What are some opportunities that have resulted from social media?
J: They started the moment I decided to forge ahead with my idea of Blog Society and hit publish on my first social media post. It was because of the incredible community of women I had met online and through Facebook and Instagram that I found the courage to launch this idea. I had a list a mile long of all the things that weren’t ready, but my gut told me to go ahead anyways, so I did. The response, almost overnight, was so incredibly supportive that it gave me the courage (and energy) to keep going, slowly paving my path as I went. The more vocal I become on social media, the more opportunities came to me: speaking at Alt Summit, hosting sold out events here in Australia, and launching 4 successful rounds of my Digital Bravery E-Course – all due directly to social media and the connections I made.

  All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )  All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )

L: Where do you find inspiration to keep creating?
J: To me, it’s the women that I work with, in all capacities, whether it be my coaching clients, or my students I have in my E-Course, I mean their passion fuels me to continue creating. When I’m having a bad day or feeling kind of sluggish and I just want to close the laptop and binge watch Game of Thrones, I look back and see those stories and go if she can do it today then I’m going to keep going.

L: What is one piece of advice you would give to creatives who are looking to use social media to enhance their careers/business?
J: Ahh so many lessons learned over the years, but if I had to narrow it down they’d go like this…the first one is important so pay attention! Just start – that is the BEST piece of advice I can give you (followed by always remembering that relationships are more important than numbers.)

  All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )  All photography by Luisa Brimble ( ) and Grace Alyssa Kyo of Besotted Grace ( )

L: Who are your favorite accounts to follow? Any hidden gems we should know about?
J: I adore The Fresh Exchange, The Everygirl and The Design Files.

L: What’s next for you – tell us about something you’re working on!
J: We’re getting ready to launch our 5th round of Digital Bravey in April and I can’t wait to welcome brand new students from all over the world. I’m also launching a new Mastermind group later this year and planning some international events – watch this space!

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