People have been asking us to create stock images for years, so when Shay Cochrane reached out about a partnership with her company, Social Squares we immediately said YES! Social Squares is a monthly subscription of stock images. Subscribers get unlimited access to a beautiful library of images that is updated monthly and that now also includes 100 images from LISH creative, YAY!

If you feel like you never have enough content to go around and you’re tired of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram trying to find that perfect photo to regram, stock images may be your answer! They are a budget-friendly and seamless way to keep your content on brand and to keep your followers wanting more. The images can be used anywhere and everywhere and they are royalty-free, so you never have to worry about copyright infringement.
What many brands don’t realize is that that common practice of “regramming” is actually against Instagram’s terms of service if you don’t have permission from the creator. So not only do you have to spend time scrolling to find that perfect image, but you also need to then DM the creator, ask for permission and wait for their response before taking a screenshot of their image and posting. The other downside is that since it’s only a screenshot, the resolution is way too low to use outside of Instagram.
Stop the madness, invest in stock instead! Here’s a sneak peek of our collection with Social Squares, SUBSCRIBE to get them all!