Growing up, I never considered myself a “runner.” I played softball and tennis in high school and college so I would run 2-3 miles for cardio exercise every now and then, but I suffered from shin splints and was operating under the assumption that my body wasn’t built to run.
But then I started meeting people who have done it. In person and on social media, it seemed like there were marathoners everywhere! And they weren’t all super-athletes with the perfectly thin “runner’s build” either. They were people just like me. With each person I met, I was more inspired, and then when my sister ran her first and shared how much fun it was, I decided to go for it.
I started weight training last year and I feel like this played such a huge role in my training and overall success. I also counted macros and started eating way more protein than I ever had before. I feel like these two things were more important than the actual running itself. I ran 2x per week for about 9 months leading up to the race. There were, of course, some weeks where I didn’t pick up my shoes, but I tried my best to be consistent and kept my weight training mixed in also. I would do a short run (between 3-5 miles) and one long run per week (I built all the way up to 10 miles). I never really paid attention to pace, the goal was just to keep running. It felt amazing to push myself and to reach each new mileage goal.
After I reached 10 miles in training, I finally felt confident enough to sign up for a race and my sister and I decided on the San Diego Half Marathon. I had never done any type of formal running event ever in my life, not even a neighborhood 5k, so I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I was just happy to be there and excited to break a new mileage record when I finished.
On race day, it was truly incredible to see such a diverse group of people all working to achieve the same goal. There were cheering sections, marching bands, candy handouts
I finished the race in 2 hours and 2 min – not bad for a first timer (I’m told), and our mile times averaged around 9min 22sec. We somehow completed the last mile in 7min and 28sec, though, I told you the adrenaline was pumping!
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t sore