Our Pantone Escort Card display was one of my favorite wedding DIYs, so I’m excited to share a tutorial with you!
-plywood + white paint
-clear acrylic

Step 1:
Figure out how many escort cards you will need and decide how many rows/column you would like. We needed 72 cards, so we decided to do 8 rows of 9. This helped us pick a size of wood. You can find plywood or white particleboard in the building materials section of any hardware store.
Step 2:
Once you have the wood, you will need to paint it your desired color and then build a structure. I am not super handy so my dad did this part for me….depending on your skill level you may need help with this. I think there was probably a better way for us to have it be free-standing, so I’m not comfortable sharing our method ( I was honestly afraid that it would tip over so we secured with weights on the day of). Right now I have it leaning in my office, but leaning isn’t the best option if people are pulling cards off.
If you have fewer cards, you could potentially have a piece of wood sitting on a table, leaning up against a wall.

Step 3:
Punch a hole in the center of each postcard. We made a quick little template to help us line them all up in the center of a 3-hole punch.
Step 4:
To figure out hook placement, line up your postcards how you want them, and then measure the distance from the center of the first one, to the one to the right and below it. Use those numbers to map out the dots for your whole board. This will be different for everyone based on how many cards you need and how large your board is. Once you have it sketched out, insert each hook one by one.

Step 5:
Print guest names and table numbers (in alphabetical order) on clear labels and then stick to each card (in rainbow order). You can also hand letter the names/tables but I didn’t trust my handwriting enough for that! I like the Avery labels because they have an easy template to print.

Step 6:
Attach a piece of clear acrylic (can be purchased at Home Depot) to the top of your board. The size of this will be different for everyone depending on how many cards you need and how large your board is.
Step 7:
Using a Cricut, cut out a white vinyl sticker that reads “Find Your Seat.” This can say anything you want, really. “Find your color” could be cute too!
Step 8:
Hang your cards and enjoy your event, yay!